That Is My Mother!

Five kids were out walking one day, when they came upon a creek that flowed through a parkway. It drew their attention. But it was not that water that attracted them. Rather, it was the algae that floated on top. Soon they discovered that if they scooped up some of the algae and squeezed out as much of the water as they could, what remained was an algae snowball. And what does someone do with a snowball?

Soon they had an all-out battle going among themselves. Ball after ball of algae flew and ended up splotching against the clothing of the participants each leaving a bright green blotch.

A passing woman noticed the ongoing activity and took the time to stop and say to one of children, “Wait until you mother sees you!” The young girl to whom this was said looked at the woman and then pointed at the sixth person who was giving as much as she took and said, “That is our mother!”

That person, the mother and grandmother in our family, is my wife, Diane. And while not everyone would see slime ball fights as an important part of being a mother, I think it is one thing that makes her a wonderful blessing to her children.

I have watched now for over 40 years as she played and read and laughed with and hugged our children and now grandchildren. She sacrifices for them and is always willing to help them in any way she can. Diane loves her children and grandchildren with a love that can be tested, but never fails. 

Diane is truly a blessing from God to our family. And while I know she is showing her love for the family in all she does, what she is really doing is reflecting her love for what her Savior did for her, her kids, and grandkids. When Jesus took the punishment for all our sins, he assured that through faith, one day Diane will see all of them in heaven.

Compelled by her Savior’s love, Diane prays and prays. Daily she reminds God of her children and grandchildren and how much they need Him in their lives. She takes their struggles directly to God and pleads with him to guard and protect them always. She prays for their faith.

You see, mothers can do a lot of good in this world. They can provide love and support and hugs when children need them. They can be there for every activity in a child’s life, they can wave goodbye to them every morning from preschool through college. They can make meals, wash clothes, clean the house and be a chauffeur if their children need one.

But the love that counts looks beyond all those things that are connected only to this world. What my children and grandchildren need the most is a Savior. And for that  Diane has spent her life as a mother praying –and reminding them about their Savior.  

Her reminder often came as a whisper to each of them as she kissed them goodnight–Mom loves you, but Jesus loves you more.

Thank you Diane for being the mother in our family. And thank you God for lending her to us for a little while. I love you.

Happy Mother’s Day

“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Proverbs 31:29-30.


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